United We Stand, Divided We Fall
I watch the news pour in about the Protesters and Police colliding in our streets, and am amazed at how quickly some judge those that are protesting "Business as Usual" from our Politicians, Corporate Heads, and Bankers. They were given "Bail Out $$$$" from a Government who still seems they can buy themselves out of ANY mess! Except the problem is that it wasn't their $$$ they were spending, it was ours. What kinds of Lessons are they teaching our kids, to simply take that which is not yours, if you have the power to do so?
Those in "Power" have now dug the grave in which we are all trying so desperately to escape, while deterring us from the truth with statements of "False Hope". These Protestors simply want to see some Real Justice for those who have stolen from us, and then paid themselves handsomely for their time involved, rather than getting fired or taking a pay cut; for scamming the World. Is that so wrong of them?
For those thinking it is just another "Hippie Movement", they couldn't be more wrong! Very well known Journalists, Businessmen and women, Marines and Politicians have now publicly given their support to those who are demanding Real Change in the way this country takes care of its "Check Book". The WORLD is now watching with today's technologies.
I am thankful to also hear of the Judges who have chosen to stand firm with our Constitution in these matters. How else are the "Regular People" supposed to be heard over the distractions of the Corporations who own every major media outlet? They stand together and demand their voices be heard. They are not just numbers in the stats, they are REAL PEOPLE. It was our Founding Fathers who taught us that United, We Stand, Divided, We FALL. Never forget those words when fighting injustice.