Monday, December 26, 2011

Time for After Christmas Sales :o)

Time For After Christmas Sales ya'll!!!

I shopped locally this year in support of my local Economy for all my Christmas gifts this year. (My local Wal-Mart included for all the Groceries required for the Big Feast) They all had great prices before Christmas, but you know they will all be slashing prices again for Year End Clearance Sales. Woo Hooo! Shopping "Lovers"
will be out this week! The time to Profit is when you BUY. (via the "pros")
I look forward to Profitting from the After Christmas Sales this year. Always a great "deal" to be had in every retail outlet you can find. 20% - 75% OFF is a BEAUTIFUL thing!! What are you going to Profit on this year? A new outfit? Car? Home?
 Maybe you will learn how to Profit from being your own boss! The Financial Pros have been talking about the way to Succeed in the 21st Century is to "Be your own Boss", but what does that mean? It means you need to find a product or service that you have or can get behind, and then become a "word of mouth" rep of the Company. (Be sure to shop around for the one that works best for you! Maybe you can write your own book; for example, and then sell a million copies or more.
In hard economic times it is the sensible thing to do; support your local economy and local jobs. We must "circle the wagons" and support our Made in America jobs in order to survive this Economic Mess that the De-regulation of Wall Street has created for EVERYONE - (minus) "The Elite" (who created it & profitted from it!).
I highly recommend that EVERYONE find a Business they can do at home, supporting companies who offer our nations necessaties. (Water, Food, Clothing, Fuel, Education, Construction, ETC) The Leaders of Finance have been telling us for years that it is the "wave of the future" for those wanting to succeed Financially. (I currently support many American Small Businesses.)

All in all, it is time for Shopping! (Profitting!!!)

Peace & Goodwill to ALL   ~  Happy Holidays EVERYONE!   ;-)


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