Monday, December 26, 2011

Time for After Christmas Sales :o)

Time For After Christmas Sales ya'll!!!

I shopped locally this year in support of my local Economy for all my Christmas gifts this year. (My local Wal-Mart included for all the Groceries required for the Big Feast) They all had great prices before Christmas, but you know they will all be slashing prices again for Year End Clearance Sales. Woo Hooo! Shopping "Lovers"
will be out this week! The time to Profit is when you BUY. (via the "pros")
I look forward to Profitting from the After Christmas Sales this year. Always a great "deal" to be had in every retail outlet you can find. 20% - 75% OFF is a BEAUTIFUL thing!! What are you going to Profit on this year? A new outfit? Car? Home?
 Maybe you will learn how to Profit from being your own boss! The Financial Pros have been talking about the way to Succeed in the 21st Century is to "Be your own Boss", but what does that mean? It means you need to find a product or service that you have or can get behind, and then become a "word of mouth" rep of the Company. (Be sure to shop around for the one that works best for you! Maybe you can write your own book; for example, and then sell a million copies or more.
In hard economic times it is the sensible thing to do; support your local economy and local jobs. We must "circle the wagons" and support our Made in America jobs in order to survive this Economic Mess that the De-regulation of Wall Street has created for EVERYONE - (minus) "The Elite" (who created it & profitted from it!).
I highly recommend that EVERYONE find a Business they can do at home, supporting companies who offer our nations necessaties. (Water, Food, Clothing, Fuel, Education, Construction, ETC) The Leaders of Finance have been telling us for years that it is the "wave of the future" for those wanting to succeed Financially. (I currently support many American Small Businesses.)

All in all, it is time for Shopping! (Profitting!!!)

Peace & Goodwill to ALL   ~  Happy Holidays EVERYONE!   ;-)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How To Get UNLIMITED Gift Cards For The Holidays

That's right, you heard me! I can teach you how to get UNLIMITED Gift Cards for the holidays. "How does that work" you ask? It works because we ALL eat.
You see, some people got together, and they saw the future potential of being in the growing billion $$$ industry that we know as the Grocery Delivery Business. Now these were no ordinary folks! These were people who had already learned, and prospered at a unique business plan that we know as Network Marketing.
Well, again these were no ordinary people, so they weren't thinking of how they could simply do good for themselves. They wanted to be able to help others do good for themselves as well. So these wise folks combined the two business models, of Grocery Delivery and Network Marketing, and came up with what is known today as MPB Today. A Grocery & Gas Club that relies on its members to advertise for them through "Word of Mouth", the oldest and most useful marketing tool in the world.
As I just mentioned, MPB Today is in the Grocery Delivery Business, and therefore you can get UNLIMITED Grocery Vouchers - OR - UNLIMITED Gift Cards, simply by spreading the word about this Incredible Opportunity. Are you ready to get yours?! Then go to and watch the video that will play for you. It will explain how to get UNLIMITED Gift Cards for the holidays (or any day!), or choose UNLIMITED Grocery Vouchers for Home Delivery; good any day of the year.
Thousands of people like you and I are now doing well for themselves too, simply by joining a Grocery & Gas Club that pays you back BIG TIME. My gift to you my friends! May your Holidays be brighter this year, and every year to come.

God Bless.    Until next time..........

Thursday, October 27, 2011

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

I watch the news pour in about the Protesters and Police colliding in our streets, and am amazed at how quickly some judge those that are protesting "Business as Usual" from our Politicians, Corporate Heads, and Bankers. They were given "Bail Out $$$$" from a Government who still seems they can buy themselves out of ANY mess! Except the problem is that it wasn't their $$$ they were spending, it was ours. What kinds of Lessons are they teaching our kids, to simply take that which is not yours, if you have the power to do so?

Those in "Power" have now dug the grave in which we are all trying so desperately to escape, while deterring us from the truth with statements of "False Hope". These Protestors simply want to see some Real Justice for those who have stolen from us, and then paid themselves handsomely for their time involved, rather than getting fired or taking a pay cut; for scamming the World. Is that so wrong of them?

For those thinking it is just another "Hippie Movement", they couldn't be more wrong! Very well known Journalists, Businessmen and women, Marines and Politicians have now publicly given their support to those who are demanding Real Change in the way this country takes care of its "Check Book". The WORLD is now watching with today's technologies.

I am thankful to also hear of the Judges who have chosen to stand firm with our Constitution in these matters. How else are the "Regular People" supposed to be heard over the distractions of the Corporations who own every major media outlet? They stand together and demand their voices be heard. They are not just numbers in the stats, they are REAL PEOPLE. It was our Founding Fathers who taught us that United, We Stand, Divided, We FALL. Never forget those words when fighting injustice.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Are You Ready For 2012?

Everyone these days seem to be talking about the predictions for 2012, so I have to ask, "Are you ready for 2012?" I know that I have read Revelations, and of course have come to my own conclusions, have you? These are dark days for our nation, as well as many others all over the world. Mankind has created a Worldwide mess that was created on credit; making one worth more than they "litterally" are. Finacial sectors from all corners of the globe are going broke! The inflated bubble of money has lost it's air, there is no one else to borrow from.
Then we have the scientists who are talking of Solar Flares and possible Astroids or Meteors that could cause a Catastrophic Event. So I ask again, are you ready for 2012? Are you ready to possibly meet your maker?
I have a strong faith and personal relationship with my Heavenly Father, do you? All this woman knows for sure is that "Mother Nature" has been raging as of late. Droughts, flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes, not to mention the craziness of sea sharks swimming up stream into our fresh water rivers, and so on. I dare not ask "What Next" for it seems as though whenever I do, it only gets worse, so I quit asking along time ago! (lol) Please don't ask either; for fear of more chaos near you. :-)
This is just something I have been pondering for months and months now, and have asked myself.... "Are you ready for 2012?"

Love & Respect to ALL until next time.....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Are You Getting Paid?

Is it just me or is every company out there following the same marketing plan these days? The business niche of the 21st century seems to be Referring Friends For Cash. From what I've seen in the media outlets available to me, you can get just about anything for free now if you refer your friends to your favorite businesses. So my question to you is, are you getting paid?

Truth be told, this is NOT a new concept. Network Marketers have been doing it for 50 years, evidently it was working well enough for them even during our economic down times, that the rest of corporate America chose to follow the leaders. If you are sitting at home asking yourself "How can I make more money?" then you need to look into more Refer A Friend For Cash opportunities that could work well for you. Businesses are now offering anything from $125 per year in free wireless services to teaching you how to make $300+ anytime you want to.

Until next time....  

Get Paid at:

Friday, August 12, 2011

"Peace Day" Should Be EVERYDAY

As we come up on "Peace Day" this weekend, I feel the need to voice my opinion that "Peace Day" should be EVERYDAY.

Everyday we should peacefully be thankful for those things that we do have; our families, friends, homes, water, food, jobs, etc, and beyond all else, another day to change what needs to be changed within our own lives. We start new each day with the sun, with new choices to be made throughout the day. It is up to us whether or not we choose well.

It's not that easy ya say? Well I beg to differ; I'm not saying I'm perfect (heck, far from it), I'm just saying that it is you who makes the everyday choices that gets you through a day. From "What shall I wear today?" to "What shall I put in my mouth today?" All those times in which we tell others that they have made us do something, we are lying to them and ourselves because the truth is, we were all given free will, we simply have forgotten how to use it. Instead we simply react to the situation/words. Our emotions seem to rule our lives now. Try and tell me I am wrong and I shall have to introduce you to Big Al, he explains it perfectly.

These "Wars" that we fight today are more about greed and power vs good and bad. The powers that rule the world have decided "We need to cause an event that will cause enough shock factor, that will blind them from what really happened, so that we might bully our way into occupying foreign lands for their resources." Those with enough money to play, play War Games. The rest of us are too busy struggling to survive, through the chaos, to fight against the big and powerful that is causing said chaos.

Don't allow the chaos to disrupt your "Peace of Mind" for it is that which we truly have POWER over, not others. Frame of Mind is so very, very important. If you get down to who and what we are on a cellular level, you see that we are nothing without our minds (brains). It is within our minds that our spirits exist.

I ask that we all think before reacting this weekend, and may we all have a much more Peaceful World, if even for just a weekend, for we must start somewhere.

Thanks for listening, and for other thoughts check out for content on SAVING & EXTRA INCOME.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Get Yours Delivered!

Are you limited to how much you get around?
You are NOT alone!

I can't tell you what a pain in the butt it is to have to go shopping for anything, if the only time you get the chance is during "Rush Hour" at the store. No parking spaces anywhere near the front of the store, crowded aisles, long check out lines, and trying to get in and out of the parking lot, wow. What a stressful trip, huh?

Well today you have the convenience of shopping from home by phone or by internet. More and more stores are offering you the choice to have it delivered to your door rather than having you pick it up at your nearest retail location.
(I prefer to shop with Southeastern Delivery and Wal-mart /Sam's Club not only for the savings, but also for their Refer-a-Friend Club that pays you back for inviting others to join the club. Pretty AWESOME!)

You may prefer only "Name Brand" items, and that's fine, I only ask that you give my link to those friends of yours who can only afford to "bargain shop" so they can get some free stuff. BOGO sales are the BOMB! ( ) It is kinda like Christmas anytime! That's right, how about groceries delivered to your door without the out-of-pocket expense? Like presents on your doorstep... that you DID ask for.   :-)

These are not deals that you will find in the Sunday paper! If everyone knew how to get groceries for FREE, all grocers would go out of business. (Not good for the economy!!! )But few are given the chance through word-of-mouth from their friends.
I, as your friend, have now given you the chance to CASH IN on the best BOGO sale going. Check out the link above, what do you have to lose?

Start "Getting Yours Delivered" and enjoy "Christmas" anyday!!!